Susan Longest Recognized for her Dedication and Service to Girl Scouts of America

Kightlinger & Gray’s Susan Longest recently was privileged to have a Girl Scouts of America Leadership Award named after her and was the first recipient.

Susan was awarded this honor due to her contributions, leadership and activity within the Girls Scouts organization. This is a new award that will be given to those that demonstrate the same qualities that Susan displays.

From the Girl Scouts:

“Susan Longest is a Lifetime Member who has actively served our council for almost 20 years in many roles, including troop leader, service unit chair, event coordinator, and chair of the board of directors. The Susan M. Longest Leadership Award recognizes an active Girl Scout member for a minimum of five years who has received both the Thanks Badge and Thanks Badge II. This award recognizes furtherance of the entire Girl Scout Movement through public and highly visible community involvement and visionary leadership. Susan’s work in creating greater possibilities for girls shows extraordinary results, and her contributions are significantly above expectations. Thank you Susan, and we look forward to honoring Girl Scout adults who have emulated your superior level of leadership with this award.”